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Five points for attention in electronic blood pressure measurement

Hypertension is the main cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

There are many patients with hypertension in our country. On average, one out of every three adults has hypertension. In addition, 130 million of them did not know that they were sick, and only 40 million of them had blood pressure control standard. Behind the high prevalence rate, low awareness rate and low control rate, in fact, it is largely caused by the lack of family self-test blood pressure.

In 2017, the results of an outpatient survey in a 3A hospital in Beijing showed that only 50% of patients would take home blood pressure self-test at ordinary times. Moreover, most of the patients who had been monitored would not record the data, let alone measure the blood pressure before seeing a doctor and provide the data to the doctor. Recently, a study published at the authoritative American scientific conference once again affirmed the importance of home blood pressure measurement for blood pressure control, which is not only effective, but also cost-effective.

In this study, 2550 patients with hypertension were tested for 6 months, and 80% of them reached the standard. At the end of one-year follow-up, their systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased by 16.9 mmHg and 6.5 mmHg on average. The study also found that regular home blood pressure measurement reduced the number of emergency visits and drug costs.

Therefore, it can be said that family self-test blood pressure can improve the treatment status of hypertension from three aspects.

First, in addition to hypertension patients need blood pressure monitoring, those who think their blood pressure is normal also need to regularly measure blood pressure (once a month and when there are dizziness, headache and other symptoms), which can timely detect the rise of blood pressure, thus early diagnosis and treatment, which can improve the awareness rate.

Second, the more times and days of family self-test blood pressure measurement, it can more accurately and comprehensively reflect the blood pressure level in the state of daily life, and avoid "white coat hypertension" caused by the patient's temporary tension with doctors. This improves the diagnosis rate.

Third, home blood pressure self-test allows patients to repeatedly understand their blood pressure level, so as to encourage patients to actively control blood pressure. In addition, patients with hypertension provide data to doctors, so that doctors can help you adjust the treatment plan and improve the control rate of blood pressure.

Therefore, it is an effective means to improve the awareness and control rate of hypertension to carry out home blood pressure monitoring and record the monitoring data for doctors. Finally, we appeal to all of you, whether your blood pressure is normal or not, should be measured regularly and recorded data.

At present, most patients with hypertension in Beijing have sphygmomanometers in their homes, and electronic sphygmomanometers account for more than half of them. But the survey shows that less than one sixth of patients who have a sphygmomanometer at home can use it and know the precautions for blood pressure measurement. The use of electronic sphygmomanometer should pay attention to the following aspects.

1、 Buy and buy

This "sign" means standard and logo. It is recommended that you purchase the electronic sphygmomanometer which has passed the international standard certification. The certification standards include British Hypertension Association standard, European Hypertension Association standard or American medical device association standard. These contents will be clearly marked on the package of the electronic sphygmomanometer.

2、 Priority arm

At present, the electronic sphygmomanometers on the market include arm type, wrist type, finger type, etc., but the values measured by wrist type and finger type are not accurate enough. Studies have shown that there is no difference in the accuracy of certified arm electronic sphygmomanometers and desktop mercury sphygmomanometers. The arm type electronic sphygmomanometer is also recommended in the guideline for prevention and treatment of hypertension in China.

3、 The cuff should fit properly

Most electronic sphygmomanometers have a cuff length of 35cm and a width of 12-13cm. This size is suitable for people with arm circumference of 25 to 35 cm. However, people with obesity or larger arm circumference should use larger size cuff, and children should use smaller size cuff.

4、 Avoid interference when measuring

If the cuff is too tight or the position is improper, body movement and other conditions will lead to measurement error; avoid using electronic sphygmomanometer in the surrounding area with electric field to prevent the interference of electric field from affecting the measurement accuracy; when measuring blood pressure, do not shake the table where the electronic sphygmomanometer is placed; ensure that the power supply is sufficient, because both inflation and LCD need power consumption, and insufficient power will also affect the accuracy of measurement Sex.

5、 People not suitable for electronic sphygmomanometers

* obese people;

● patients with arrhythmia;

● patients with very weak pulse, severe dyspnea or hypothermia;

● patients with heart rates below 40 beats per minute and more than 240 beats per minute;

● patients with Parkinson's disease.

In addition, most of the sphygmomanometers used in outpatient or emergency department of many hospitals are replaced by electronic sphygmomanometers. The electronic sphygmomanometer does not need to bind the cuff manually, which further reduces the measurement error. Families with conditions can also choose.

Copyright: Jiangsu jinjiti Medical Technology Co., Ltd    Record No:苏ICP备20033160号-1